Dialogue with stakeholders serves as an important source of input when examining strategic options and identifying priority CSR challenges. It also fosters the creativity of Bouygues’ teams and helps the Group to future-proof its business model.

Respect, trust, creativity and imparting expertise are the fundamentals of the Bouygues group’s culture. People are at the focus of this philosophy. And dialogue with all internal and external stakeholders is source of strength. By listening to its customers, its people and civil society, the Bouygues group is able to gain input when examining its strategic options, identifying priority CSR challenges and fostering the creativity of its teams.

With internal stakeholders


Who they are?
Employees, trade union, talents. 

How we dialogue:
Employee consultation bodies in operations worldwide
An extranet site dedicated to career development at Bouygues
In-house social media
Annual appraisals, employee perception surveys and more besides

Flagship initiatives:
182 collective agreements signed or renewed within the Group (France and abroad).
Employee perception surveys carried out at Colas, Bouygues Telecom and Bouygues Energies & Services.


Who they are?
Shareholders and investors, banks, analysts and rating agencies

How we dialogue:

Tailored presentations, meetings, conferences, roadshows and Capital Markets Days (for example, Bouygues Telecom in 2021 and Equans in 2023)
Answering questionnaires from non-financial rating agencies
Regulated literature, integrated reports and business reports

With external stakeholders


Who they are?
Public and private sector customers, retail customers, infrastructure and service users, etc.

How we dialogue:
Customer relations team
Satisfaction surveys
Customer committees
Collaborative platforms
External social media
Blogs and trade fairs

Flagship initiatives:
Bouygues Construction’s “CityPlay”, which is a tool for developing projects collaboratively (involving users, local residents etc.) in France, Switzerland and the UK.
TF1’s viewer relations web site “TF1 & Vous”.



Who they are?
Industrial partners, large groups, intermediate-size businesses, SMEs and start-ups

How we dialogue:
Contractual relations
CSR performance assessments
Co-innovation and co-development partnerships  

Flagship initiatives:
All business segments focused on increasing their level of low-carbon purchasing. Colas Rail organised its first suppliers convention.
Purchase of hybrid and electric vehicles by the business segments.


Who they are?
Citizens, local residents, charities and NGOs, academia and science, public authorities and the media

How we dialogue:
Charitable foundations
Conferences, partnerships with NGOs
Community and skills patronage
Active engagement in research and education
Participation in think tanks and non-profit organisations


Flagship initiatives:
Participation in the “Impact AI” think-tank on the issue of the ethical use of data.
Bouygues Immobilier and TF1, partners of the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature).