As a socially-responsible company, we have signed up to four key pledges that underpin everything we do. They are to: promote each employee’s career development, design sustainable solutions with and for our customers, simplify everyday life, and help build harmonious communities.

Promote each empoyee’s career development:

Ensuring employees’ physical and emotional well-being is a key priority for the Group, which we achieve by cultivating a global health and safety culture.
Amid the Covid-19 crisis and the shift to new forms of workplace organisation, we are determined to:

  • support the transition to new ways of working;
  • help employees gain future-ready skills;
  • speed up the advancement of women within the Group

This page explains how we are putting words into action!

…by promoting gender balance, by hiring people with disabilities, and by encouraging diversity and inclusion.    


Gender balance

Promoting gender balance is a key priority for our Group and is a constituent element of our HR policy. Given the predominance of our construction businesses, the Group’s workforce has traditionally counted more men than women. But we are determined to change things. In 2017, we got the ball rolling by launching a Group Gender Balance plan, setting targets to be achieved by 2020. Our second such plan, which runs from 2021 to 2023, aims to build on this positive momentum.  


Examples of practical initiatives are detailed below:

  • Mentoring programmes have been introduced for female high-flyers, who are paired with a male or female mentor from another Group subsidiary.  
  • The Group has partnered with the Women’s Forum for Economy & Society and, for the past five years, has sent a mixed delegation to the organisation’s Global Meeting to learn more about gender balance.
  • Women’s and mixed networks are active across the Group’s business segments (WeLink at Bouygues Construction, Bouygues Immobilier’s gender balance community A Part Egale, WE at Colas, We Together at Equans  Bouygt’elles at Bouygues Telecom, Fifty-Fifty at TF1 and Bytogether at Bouygues SA)

Since March 2019, we have appointed liaison officers to support victims of sexual harassment and sexist behaviour across all our business segments.


Gender balance index* (2023)

*Bouygues SA

20.5 %

The proportion of women managers in 2022 (18,9% in 2021)

Majda Ghelfane Network roll-out manager at Bouygues Telecom, and Laure Ducoulombier, Head of the R&D unit “design lab” at Bouygues Construction, talk about the women’s mentoring programme set up by the Group in 2018 to boost gender balance within all its business segments.
Calculable metricResultPoints scoreMax. number of points in metricMax. number of points in calculable metrics
Pay gap (%)1.5384040
Differential in individual pay increases (in percentage points or in equivalent number of employees)1.1353535
Employees receiving pay increases following maternity leave (%)100151515
Number of employees of the under-represented gender amongst the 10 highest remunerations001010
Calculable metrics total88100
INDEX (out of 100 pts)88100


Our policy is that everyone should be actively involved in supporting people with disabilities.

With this in mind, Martin Bouygues signed the national Manifesto for the occupational integration of people with disabilities in 2019. This charter of operational commitments aims to ensure that people with disabilities are better catered for in the world of work.

Its four main sections frame the Group’s actions: encouraging recruitment; keeping people with disabilities in employment; communicating, informing and raising awareness among our employees and stakeholders; and outsourcing to sheltered workshops and disability-friendly companies.

Céline Gaxatte Pereira, a Disability Task Force officer at TF1, & Frédéric Gounet, a Business plan and pricing manager at Bouygues Telecom, talk about their experiences within the Bouygues group from the point of view of their disability.


Employees with disabilities
in the Group in 2022.
In France (excluding Equans),
their recruitment has increased
by 59.7% versus 2021.

Women’s forum

For 2022, Bouygues has renewed its partnership with Women’s Forum (ongoing since 2015). Through this partnership the Group raises awareness among an increasing number of its people each year, in France and abroad, about issues relating to gender balance and inclusion. Conferences are also organised providing an opportunity to network and learn about best practices in the abovementioned areas.


September 2021 saw the launch of Starting B, an initiative that aims to change perceptions and to foster a disability-inclusive culture.

Under the programme, we have partnerships with six parasports athletes, among which four were renewed in 2022 as we look to take our disability-friendly policy to the next level. These champions with their exceptional track records are all helping, in their own special way, to change attitudes to visible and non-visible disabilities across our workforce.

encouraging diversity

Fair treatment for all and equal opportunity are among our core principles, and are enshrined in our Human Resources Charter. These principles apply to all aspects of the employee’s career, from recruitment and training to promotion, information and communication.

For example, Bouygues Immobilier is a founding member and director of the E2C school, near Paris, which aims to give a second chance to young adults who are estranged from the job market. E2C takes in young people without qualifications, aged between 18 and 25, who are aware that they have not acquired a sufficient academic level to hold down a job but are ready and willing to engage in a process of occupational integration.

In 2021, Bouygues Construction, Bouygues Immobilier, TF1 and Bouygues Telecom signed the new Parenting Charter, initiated by l’Observatoire de la qualité de vie au travail. As a signatory of the Parenting Charter since 2008, under the patronage of the French government, Bouygues Construction is committed to changing attitudes towards parenthood within the company, fostering conditions that support parents with children (taking all forms of parenting into account) and ensuring non-discrimination in the career development of working parents.

The TF1 Corporate Foundationb enrolled its fourteenth intake in September 2022. Twelve candidates were selected on the basis of their enthusiasm, thus opening the door to TF1 to young people with no professional experience who may be subject to discrimination. Bouygues Telecom again worked with “Tous en Stage”, a non-profit organisation, to organise special induction days for trainees from disadvantaged urban areas.

We are an equal opportunity employer. No applicant or employee receives less favourable treatment because of gender, ethnic background, religion, beliefs, disability, age, sexual orientation or nationality. This is a moral obligation as well as a corporate priority .

Taken from the Group Human Resources Charter

Couverture de la charte des Ressources Humaines

Human resources charter

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Code of Ethics

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Health, safety and well-being in the workplace: a top priority

People are the most important resource for the Bouygues group. It is therefore a priority to ensure their health and safety. Our aim is to reduce the frequency and severity of workplace accidents, to which we are highly exposed through our operations, and to work towards better employee health.  Road safety and psychosocial risk prevention campaigns are therefore carried out in all Group businesses.

To implement health & safety policy on construction worksites, our subsidiaries have for many years drawn on a global network of health & safety officers, as well as a broad range of safety resources, including:

  • training on safety, eco-driving techniques and first aid; 
  • 15-minute “starter” sessions on safety basics;  
  • awareness-raising initiatives;
  • accident analysis;
  • best-practice sharing;
  • cross-subsidiary challenges;
  • half-yearly rankings…


Frequency rate* of workplace accidents involving time off work in 2022
(Group-wide average)


Workplace accident severity rate*in 2022 (Group-wide average)

*Number of accidents involving time off work x 1,000,000/Number of hours worked
**Number of days off work as a result of a workplace accident x 1,000/number of hours worked


Since 2018, Bouygues Construction has been extending the TopSite label to all of its operations, with a special emphasis on workplace health and safety.

Colas training programmes

Working on construction sites requires round-the-clock vigilance. You therefore need to be continually aware of your environment. This means that all health & safety rules need to be complied with by all and in all circumstances.

Supporting the transition to new ways of working

We are embracing new technology as a way to protect the health and safety of our employees. The Group continues to rolling out connected objects at its worksites, with innovations such as the iPilot remote crane control system and connected sleeves making life easier for employees and preventing workplace accidents. By limiting the need for physical contact, these technologies have also worked alongside social distancing and other safety measures to help stem the spread of Covid-19. 

Another effect of the pandemic has been to accelerate the pace of change in workplace organisation. With teleworking now commonplace, we are mindful of our responsibilities for employee well-being. All of our business segments have rolled out on-line collaborative platforms, provide digital literacy training and supply equipment to make sure employees have the tools they need to work effectively from home. Other well-being measures include making employees aware of their “right to disconnect” and running anonymous satisfaction surveys.