Bouygues firmly believes that its respect for human rights contributes to its long-term future by inspiring confidence in internal and external stakeholders. It is therefore committed to human rights and to a responsible value chain.
A signatory to the UN Global Compact since 2006, the Bouygues group has now formalised its commitments in a Human Rights policy. This aims to ensure respect for the fundamental rights of its employees and of those working with its companies along its entire value chain.
It outlines the Bouygues group’s stance regarding the protection of human rights and defines a common core of commitments in the following 12 areas that its entities must apply at the grassroots level.
– forced labour and illegal work,
– child labour,
– working hours,
– pay and employee benefits,
– employee housing conditions,
– security, and workplace health & safety,
– inclusion, the fight against discrimination and harassment,
– skills development and employability,
– freedom of association, collective bargaining and freedom of expression,
– confidentiality and data protection,
– affected communities,
– human rights along the value chain and responsible purchasing practices.

A responsible supply chain
The Bouygues group aims to help its suppliers and subcontractors improve their performance in terms of workers’ rights and decarbonisation. The Group’s business segments actively factor these considerations into their purchasing and subcontracting practices, seeking to work with partners whose products and services meet the requisite standards of responsibility and sustainability.
A framework agreement has been signed with the EcoVadis platform, which is used to assess the business segments’ strategic partners or those of particular interest in this area. As well as requiring its business partners to assess their performance, the Group is gradually building CSR clauses into its purchasing contracts, all of which now include Bouygues’ CSR Charter for Suppliers and Subcontractors as an appendix.
Bouygues Construction and TF1 have obtained the “Responsible Supplier Relations and Purchasing” label, awarded jointly by the French business ombudsman and the French National Purchasing Council (CNA).